Sunday, February 3, 2013

Day 227 - Shiny Things

2) A New Piercing

Day 227 - I'm already knocking adventures off my list! It feels good to be accomplishing a desired feat so early in my days. As much as my little nose piercing is something that I've been wanting for a very long time, a part of me titles it as a brief distraction. One month ago, when the new year rang in, I thought I was on a path to harmonizing my goals and priorities. Throughout the past couple weeks I have been questioning myself about the essentials that I truly yearn for to bring happiness in my life. Moving forward to a new life place and mind space is difficult when I had such faith and optimism with my past. It's insane how quickly life can change directions! And ah yes and the first song I played when I opened my laptop was "Breathing Underwater" by Metric.

I need to concentrate on staying positive, time to turn this post around a bit. Every time that I glance away from my computer I find myself staring at four of my canvases leaning against the wall. One painting in specific I have been staring at for over a year. I just can't seem to figure out if it's completed or not. This tends to be my biggest challenge with my art work, because there are endless options to always add more to a painting.  Abstract painting has been an on going hobby throughout the past four years and only in this past year have I really blossomed. I am so proud to tell everyone that some of my art work is displayed in a restaurant called Tango in Calgary! I am hoping to infiltrate another restaurant in the coming months, crossing my fingers. I'm going to end this day on a good note while I'm bubbling thinking about painting and here's a recent photo from Tango with two pieces of my work:

Night night...

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