Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 180 - Como se dice Video Gurl en Espanol?

Day 180 - "Gold" Bondax

Brrr a cold night out in Calgary. Living in Calgary you can never let the weather get you down or keep you indoors. There is always an abundance of events happening and luckily enough tonight I was invited to attend my first hip hop/emcee show featuring the video release of Rebecca Dawn and Video Gurl.

This event was so fascinating because it was a small venue and everyone was feeding off of each other's energy. The speed at which the rappers thought of their lyrics on stage was jaw dropping. I can't imagine trying to pull words from my brain on the spot, especially words that rhyme or that are relevant to the situation. At one point four of the rappers were on stage having a little battle amongst them and this adorably beautiful girl by the name of Rhianna nailed it! She showed the other three guys how it was done.

Of course my heart melted when Rebecca was on stage, singing her little heart out. It is breath taking watching her talents emerge from her lips. I couldn't help my shout and scream while I was standing amongst the crowd, smiling ear to ear as she captured the audience.

Thinking back to raps and lyrics...the only rap I can recall was from grade six. It was a compilation from a few friends:

"To be or not to be, that is a stupid question.
When I eat your food, I get indigestion.
The grass is green, the sky is blue.
And ima pass this rap off to you!"

(Might have been stuck in a service elevator)


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