Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 185 - Tell Me Your Story

Day 185 - "All Away" Art of Shades (feat. Soukaina)

Gorilla House started writing a series of short posts on Facebook that describe how the house came to be. Each post begins with "The Story of Gorilla House Part __", they are currently on part 64. In the post of "The Story of Gorilla House Part 54" they asked "Tell me your story...".

I always enjoy thinking back to the beginning of my many, many stories. My story of Gorilla house is tied to my beloved friend Farrah who is no longer with us. It was two weeks after Farrah had passed and I hadn't been sleeping, barely eating and I had constant chest pains. I felt as thought I had been physically beat up and I could barely open my eyes. I could not (and still cannot) understand the pain I was feeling. I was clenching my fists all day and night because I was holding so much anger within my body. With every word I spoke, tears welled up in my eyes. I needed some sort of change in my life to distract my mind from the physically and emotionally draining thoughts. I went for a walk down the street to this cute little hair salon and booked myself in for a hair appointment.

(The night the purple rain boots were offered to me by Farrah to keep my feet warm)

She introduced herself as Jenny and asked me what I wanted to have done. The tears started to form in my eyes but I held them inside. I told her I needed a change, something very different but I definitely did not want to chop all of my hair off. My long locks are my guilty pleasure, I tend to bury my face in my hair at least once a day! We ended up agreeing that I should chop my long bangs and try a new style.

(Oh my goodness was I in shock haha)

While she was snipping away I was sitting there quietly. As everyone knows I am normally a chatterbox but during those few weeks and the weeks to follow I didn't have anything to talk about. Somehow we stumbled across the topic of art and it turns out my new friend Jenny is also an abstract acrylic artist. She was too excited to tell me about this amazing place she had just heard about and it was called the Gorilla House. I was instantly sold on this groovy local art project. This new art adventure along with my new hairstyle had completely turned my evening around. 

That is my story of Gorilla House.



  1. Looks great kiddo, have fun!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
